RoboSats as the 2nd Sovereign Engineering North Star
19 April 2024

The future we’re heading towards will have many bots, that much seems clear. But not all bots have to be bad bots. We’ll probably have good bots too. Useful bots. Economic bots. As well as humans that turn themselves into bots, when appropriate (or necessary).
We are pleased to have RoboSats as our North Star for the second Sovereign Engineering Cohort.
As the focus of the second cohort is on P2P markets and exchanges, we are excited to learn from their execution and architecture and get insights into the thought process that led to the building of RoboSats.
Just like in the previous cohort, the North Star shall act as a guiding light, as something to look up to. Having experienced veterans of the RoboSats team join the cohort is fantastic, as everyone can learn from them, ourselves included.
There is still a little bit of time left. If you want to spend some weeks with doers and builders, apply today! Applications will close on the 21st.